Welcome Sweet Friends....

Welcome to the "River Church Girlfriends" blog......we started this as a way to help you keep tabs on what's going on with the Girlfriends at the River Church...the place where we laugh, love, live and learn together.....please check back often to see what's going on....or better yet, become a follower and have updates come to your blogger dashboard. Any suggestions? Post a comment....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Thoughts

Mid-August is upon us and the back-to-school supplies {that appeared as soon as the 4th of July was over, what is up with that anyway?} are now reluctantly making their way into our shopping carts.

And as the seasons change, the plans are being set in motion for the start of the next season of Girlfriend's ministry at the River Church.

As the director of Women's Ministry at the River, I have never been more excited than this new adventure the Lord is taking us on.

When the Lord changes directions, He does it for our good!
God's just like that - He loves us way too much to leave us self-absorbed and navel-gazing. He longs for us to be others focused! {And by others, that means - others! Not our families or best buds that are up close and personal, but others!} Can you just imagine what would have happened if God only thought about Himself? Or if He had only loved His son? Whoooa. We would be toast! BUT He didn't. He loves us and spends His time not just occasionally
or half-heartedly loving us, but lavishly loving us!

So fasten your seat belts, beginning this fall, we will be embarking as a team on a God-sized mission that will {for those who are willing} forever change each of our lives as we learn how to become more like HIM!